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Our Services

We Offer a Wide Range Of Services
  • BBL

    Unlike full-bore liposuction, this technique is crafted for the delicate job of tightening: the back of your hands or under the chin. It’s also effective for love handles, and the inner and outer thigh area.

  • Autologous Fat Transfer

    Fat transfer or autologous fat transfer (AFT) is a cosmetic surgical technique that transfers fat from one part of your body, such as thighs and abdomen to another where fat is needed. This procedure is also known as fat grafting. 

  • Skin Tightening

    Using laser technology as well as radio frequency, we can facilitate skin-tightening without requireing surgical removal.

  • Improving Tummy-Tucks

    A 3D procedure, enhancing one's shape requires liposuction and three dimentions. 

  • Post Weight-Loss Perkification

    Once you have achieved the weight you would like to keep, frequency you would want to restore the breast-area.

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